How to Publish a News on ISL?

Step 1: Log In


Step 2: Access Lab News

  • Navigate to the Lab News section after logging in.


Step 3: Create a New Post

  • Click on ‘Add New Post’ or select to edit an existing draft.

Step 4: Add Title

  • Title Field: Enter the title of your news at the top of the editor.

Step 5: Enter Main Content and Embed Multimedia

  • Content Area: Enter the main content of your news in the provided text editor.
  • Add Media: Use the ‘Add Media’ button to insert images and videos.
  • LaTeX Equations: To include mathematical equations, wrap them with the [latexpage] shortcode:

    \[\mathcal{F}(f(t)) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty f(t) e^{-i 2\pi kt} \, dt \]

        \[ \mathcal{F}(f(t)) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty f(t) e^{-i 2\pi kt} \, dt \]

    Currently, it supports the packages listed below. Please contact web master for additional packages.

    • \usepackage{amsmath}

    • \usepackage{amsfonts}

    • \usepackage{amssymb}

    • \usepackage{physics}

    • \usepackage{mathtools}

    • \usepackage{siunitx}

    • \usepackage{graphicx}

    • \usepackage{algorithmicx}

    • \usepackage{algorithm2e}

    • \usepackage{listings}

    • \usepackage{hyperref}

    • \usepackage{tikz}

    • \usepackage{pgfplots}

  • Featured Image: Set a featured image (suggested size 300×300 px) using the ‘Set featured image’ link. This image will be displayed automatically on the homepage alongside the news summary.

Step 6: Add Introduction

  • Introduction Box: Type a short introduction for the news. This introduction will appear on the homepage.
  • Ensure the ‘Sync Permalink’ box is checked to link the introduction directly to the detailed content.

Step 7: Set Permalinks and Metadata

  • URL: If you wish the post to have a specific URL, manually enter it in the ‘URL’ box.
  • Change Permalink: Although you can change the permalink, it is not recommended to ensure consistency and avoid broken links.
  • Fill out additional metadata such as ‘Authors’, ‘Full Journal Name’, and ‘Concise Journal Name’ as needed.

Step 8: Add Publication Date

  • Publication Date: Set the date on which the news should be published or was published.

Step 9: Review and Publish

  • Preview: Click on ‘Preview’ to see how your post will look live.
  • Publish Settings: Choose visibility settings and decide whether to publish immediately or schedule for a later date.
  • Publish: If satisfied, click ‘Publish’ to make the post live or ‘Schedule’ to set a future publication date.


  • Order Weight: Adjust the ‘Order Weight’ to prioritize the post among other news items if this feature is enabled.